This is the most often asked question about GAMIT processing error:
FATAL :180827:1342:34.0 NGSTOT/lib/ut1red: JD= 2457794 out of range of ut1 table, JDT1= 2448622 JDT2= 2457765
STOP FATAL Error: Stop from report_stat
grep: gigs19354.sp3: No existe el archivo o el directorio
FATAL :180827:1342:34.0 ARC/arc: GAMIT.fatal exists: ARC not executed
STOP FATAL Error: Stop from report_stat
GAMIT.fatal exists, stop in sh_sp3fit
Or following error:
FATAL :191106:2014:23.0 ARC/lib/polred: JD= 2457458 out of range of pole table, JDT1= 2448622 JDT2= 2457457
STOP FATAL Error: Stop from report_stat
GAMIT.fatal exists, stop in sh_sp3fit
mv: cannot stat ‘gigsf6.069’: No such file or directory
sh_sp3fit failed to generate a g-file, stop
Source of Error:
Those two errors occurred because:Your RINEX observation date is beyond EOP table, and
- Your RINEX observation date is beyond EOP table, and
- GAMIT (sh_update_eop to be precise) somehow failed to update EOP table to match with observation date
Update your pole.usno and ut1.usno and pole.usno manually with following step:
a. Go to this website:

Right click – save as on the number (1), (2), and (3), save it as it is. That is pole.usno, ut1.usno and pmu.bull_a
b. Please remember, I run GAMIT/GLOBK program on windows 10. So above downloads file is located anywhere in my windows folder.
c. Go to your tables folder of GAMIT, in my case: /usr/local/gamit

Copy pole.usno, ut1.usno, and pmu.bull_a file from your download folder to this folder (/usr/local/gamit/tables) In my cases, I saved those three files in “Documents” folder, so I used following command to copy.

Do same thing for ut1.usno and pmu.bull_a
d. Go to your gg folder.

Do the same thing as in step (C).
e. Re-run your sh_gamit command, there should be no error due to this step.
I will update this post on how to resolved another GAMIT/GLOBK processing error
To be continued